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Suggested Survival Food     &
Emergency Supplies

Emergency Foods You May Want

       ** Hand can opener (non-electric)

  1. WATER one gallon/person/day or more (drinking& cooking & washing)

  2. Beans

  3. Breakfast Cereal

  4. Bouillon (vegetable, beef or chicken)

  5. Canned fruits and vegetables

  6. Canned meat or ham

  7. Canned fish (sardines, salmon, tuna…)

  8. Cheese (parmesan shaker, cheese spread, cheese in jar)

  9. Chocolate bars

  10. Coffee & Tea

  11. Cooking Oils/fat (like coconut oil)

  12. Cookies

  13. Crackers

  14. DIY survival bars (like pemmican or chocolate chia bars*)

  15. Dried Fruit

  16. Dried onions, garlic

  17. Dried mushrooms

  18. Energy Bars

  19. Flour

  20. Freeze dried/dehydrated Herbs & Spices

  21. Hard Candy

  22. Honey                                                                        

  23. Instant Mashed Potatoes

  24. Jam & Jelly

  25. Jello

  26. Jerky

  27. Maple Syrup

  28. Milk (powdered or shelf stable)

  29. Molasses

  30. Noodles (from rice or beans)

  31. Nuts

  32. Oatmeal

  33. Ovaltine

  34. Pasta

  35. Peanut Butter

  36. Pickled Eggs*

  37. Popcorn

  38. Polenta

  39. Quinoa

  40. Rice

  41. Salami & non-refrigerator sausages

  42. Seeds for sprouts

  43. Tang/Kool aid

  44. Trail Mix                      
    *recipes available fb Surviving Changing Times                                                               

Emergency Supplies
Prescription meds.­­                                                                      

Extra eyeglasses

Water, water, water

Rain barrel or big container for H2O/ Containers for clean water

Lantern /flashlights*

Lantern fuel *


Manual can opener (non-electric)

Extra Blankets or Sleeping Bags/ Hot water bottles

Cash for a month +



Cast iron pan, Dutch oven

First Aid Kit              

Toilet Paper

5 gallon bucket, old toilet seat (or pool noodle) , plastic bags to line bucket

Wipes/ Hand sanitizer                               

Food for a month (idea list on this site)

Document copies in Getaway bag 

   Driver's license,Social Security card, insurance card/info,Bank info 


Fireplace wood or BBQ charcoal


5 gallon bucket & old toilet seat & plastic bags for liners        

Warm Winter coat (rated for snow)


Reusable sanitary pads*

Vehicles (1/2 gas tank or more)

Portable Power Station/ Generator *

           [in Faraday Cage more info: YouTube -- Anne Tucker ]


*Links to a possible source for item



9-day Candles 2 @ $13.98


Crank Flashlight 4@ $10.99


Lantern $10.99


Lantern Fuel


Campstove  (uses twigs or paper, cardboard )$23.99


Power Station $249­


Reusable Sanitary Pads 5@$19.99











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